With that said, I've given lots of thought to how I might be able to leverage this blog for the betterment of the photography community moving forward. After all, I've devoted a good chunk of my life to developing it and filling it with [hopefully] valuable content, so I certainly don't want to just walk away and completely abandon it. At the same time, I now have a brand new website/blog to manage, so I'm gonna have to develop a solid posting strategy to ensure that I can handle the load.
To that end, I'd appreciate it if you'd sound off with a comment below to let me know what you'd like to see me focus on moving forward. If you'd like me to continue posting my latest work here, along with before & afters and behind-the-scenes info, just say so. On the other hand, if you'd prefer to see content of a more technical nature, such as lighting and post-production tips, let me know that as well. I'm a firm believer in the concept of "pay it forward", so I'm here to serve you and help you in any way I can. But as they say, help ME help YOU. :)
Lastly, I'd truly appreciate it if you'd take a moment to check out something that's truly near and dear to my heart....my brand new music photography website, Tampa Band Photos. Please blow it sky high with comment love and help me get off to a great start. Thanks everyone, and I look forward to your feedback! :)
I'd like to see more articles on social media marketing for photographers, and how to grow a fan base. By the way, great job on this blog, and the new site looks amazing!
Wow, you've got some serious talent! I look forward to your future posts.
You have written very well. Sometimes it becomes very difficult to take shots when band is performing live on stage.
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