Wednesday, July 29, 2009


This episode is dedicated to all the folks out there who have scratched their heads in wonderment trying to reverse-engineer my profile picture on Facebook. I've had a ton of people ask me to explain how I made it, and although everyone correctly assumes that it involves Photoshop trickery, few have been able to really latch on to the process as I explained it to them.

In short, all I really did was: 1) take a picture of myself sitting Indian-style on a bench, 2) take another picture of just the bare wall behind me, 3) combine the two in Photoshop, and 4) "mask out" the bench to reveal the wall behind it, and 5) add a fake shadow behind me to create the illusion that I was really floating. Take a look at the unedited versions over to the right and you'll quickly see how it was done (click each picture to enlarge it).

Enjoy, and please share the love by leaving me a comment! :-)

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Aspiring model and all-around sweetheart Shannon Landers stopped by a few weeks ago to update to her modeling portfolio. The pics she had done up that point weren't all that great in my opinion, so I wanted to give her something that really did her justice and accentuated her natural beauty. She was pretty thrilled with the final product, and I have to admit that she looks amazing in these.

As I often say, if you really want to increase your chances of making great photos, choose beautiful subjects! Enjoy....

Thursday, July 9, 2009


In this episode we'll take a look at an image that I captured a couple of months ago while hanging out with some dear friends of mine....well, actually it's two images combined into one, but I processed both of them the exact same way. The kids are Carter and Katie, who are just flat-out adorable, and so photogenic that it made my job an absolute breeze.

Anyway, I had the kids stand in front of their respective parents and then asked mom and dad to put their hands on the kids' shoulders. I was trying to grab a couple of shots that would draw attention to each child's size, relative to the parent standing behind them. These are the sorts of pictures that you look back on many years later and your heart just wells up thinking about how tiny your kids were. As with all of my clients, I wanted to give Rob an Rachel a family heirloom to cherish for years and years, so this seemed like a perfect opportunity.

When I was retouching the images in Photoshop, I decided to take a risk and try a technique that I had never really played around with-- it's called cross processing. Back in the darkroom days when you developed film by hand, this process involved dipping your undeveloped negatives into a chemical solution that was designed for a completely different type of film. Whether done by accident or intentionally, it produced a photograph with wildly unpredictable color tones, and oddly enough this look eventually became a mainstay in the fashion industry.

Well, in the digital days this same look can be emulated with much greater ease, thanks to programs like Photoshop. It's also possible to exercise a much greater degree of control over the final product, because in the digital world the tools work exactly the same each time-- it's just a matter of a few mouse clicks.

The only thing I really did to these images, besides cross processing them, was to re-crop them to improve their overall composition. Tell me what you think by leaving me a comment below (just choose "Anonymous" if you don't have a Blogger or Gmail account).

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Tampa, FL, United States
I'm a commercial photographer in Tampa, FL specializing in band & musician promos, CD covers, press kits, posters, and the like. Please feel free to check out my website/blog using the link below, and give me a shout if I can be of service to you!

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