When I was originally planning this shot, I decided that it might look really nice if there were a gorgeous sunset behind the band, and I knew I could accomplish this later in Photoshop with a reasonable amount of effort. However, I also knew that folks with sunsets at their backs tend to have an orange “rim light” that appears along the edges of their clothing and hair, and this, on the other hand, is *extremely* difficult to simulate in Photoshop. So I knew that I’d have to find some way to produce an orange rim light around each person in order for the final composite to be believable. As you’ll see from the “before” shots, I accomplished this by placing a strobe behind each person….but the key is that I placed a full CTO gel onto each strobe to color the light orange. If you look closely, you can see that this does in fact give the resulting light the appearance of a sunset.POST-PRODUCTION
Using Photoshop CS5’s new Refine Edge tool (which, by the way, is an absolute godsend for digital compositors— I hardly ever have to rely on channel masks anymore), I extracted each band member from their respective original shot, and placed them all into a new blank document. I then dropped in a new sky with a nice glowing sunset, and proceeded to really increase the light intensity in the sun area by applying a Levels adjustment with a radial gradient mask. I also increased the lightness levels along the sides of the two band members’ faces who are standing right in front of the sun. Next I added an artificial lens flare to really drive home the effect. I also had to add a couple of shadows, since band members standing that close to one another would undoubtedly cast a shadow on the adjacent person. I dropped the exposure of the bottom quarter of the image to draw the viewer's eyes upward where they need to be. There were LOTS of local contrast adjustments along with the usual dodging and burning, and finally I introduced a slight orange color cast to the entire image with a warming photo filter.Here are the before shots. Notice the light stand on the floor behind each band member (with the full CTO gel, as previously discussed).
And here is the final composite, complete with all of the adjustments mentioned above:
Your comments—good, bad, or indifferent—are always deeply appreciated. And of course don’t forget to Like/Share!
Thanks, Mariam!
Amazing work! Love it!
Thank you, Sharon!
DO you have twins? The 2 ladies above looks very identical? Twins?
Hi Tampa Pregnancy, and thanks for your comment. Actually, the two ladies in question are my wife and sister-in-law. They just happened to be pregnant at the same time (only a week apart), so I did my best to take advantage of a rare opportunity. :)
Amazing work!!Incredibly strong composition!Thanks for sharing the tricks of the trade!Nina Alam
Thanks for your feedback, Nina...much appreciated!
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