Tuesday, March 23, 2010

What's New in Lightroom 3 Public Beta 2 | NEW TAMPA PHOTO RETOUCH

I must say that I'm super-excited about many of the changes being introduced in the latest version of Adobe Lightroom, the *premier* image editing/digital asset management program in use today. The most significant additions include: the ability to tag, preview and organize your video files right alongside your images, much better noise reduction capabilities (also, it's worth noting that Luminance noise reduction is finally working), better vignetting and watermarking options, and last but not least, built-in tethering capabilities. If you shoot tethered like me, this last one is a game-changer. Here's a fantastic video overview of the new features, created by Adobe Creative Suite guru Terry White.

With all the new improvements and additions being announced, I have to admit that I'm still stuck using Lightroom 2.6 because there is no direct upgrade path from this version to the new one. Adobe doesn't want to be held liable for corrupting people's primary Lightroom databases with beta software (understandably), and I haven't been willing (yet) to completely jump in with both feet and make the switch. However, I think I may install 3.0 B2 on my studio computer (which is the one I shoot tethered to), and then just import those images into the database on my main computer after each shoot. How about you? Have you played with 3.0 at all? I'd love to hear your thoughts/impressions.


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Tampa, FL, United States
I'm a commercial photographer in Tampa, FL specializing in band & musician promos, CD covers, press kits, posters, and the like. Please feel free to check out my website/blog using the link below, and give me a shout if I can be of service to you!


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